About Me
Hi I'm Fab, and I love Sailor Moon.
I grew up with the DiC dub on Cheez TV, though only saw the first season as a child, before learning about manga and anime in year 7 and thus rediscovering Sailor Moon. I re-watched season one on Youtube and then continued on with the rest of them for the first time (mostly on Youtube, except for SuperS which a friend had on DVD!), including the elusive Sailor Stars - right in time for the Kodansha release of the manga to start up. I slowly collected and read the manga throughout high school, and also watched the live action PGSM series too. When Crystal started up I watched each episode as close to its release as I could, and eventually did the same for the Eternal movies when they came out.
Jumping back in time a bit to my watching of the old DiC/Cloverway dubs in high school, this is also when I made my first Sailor Moon OC, you guessed it, Sailor Sun! I had just finished S at the time and gave her a cat named Helios as her partner - that of course did not last long once I got into SuperS. Aside from a few sketches here and there in long lost sketchbooks, Sailor Sun only existed in the Sailor Venus trace/edit I'd posted on deviantART and the accompanying description, and I didn't really get into the SMOC scene (I was too focused on Bleach OCs).
Next step in the journey was many years later when I joined the Sailor Moon Amino, where I first took the name Sailor Fabulous (semi-inspired by the old Sailor Moon Abridged Series). There was a little challenge running to make an OC and I thought why not? I did some sketches in pen on lined paper (I had stopped drawing and this was my first time back at it in a long time), did some research on astronomical bodies and deities and names, and came up with a quick bio for it. Thus Sailor Fortuna was born. She's changed a lot over the years from her initial creation in 2017, mostly in personality, though there have been a few slight design alterations too. Most recently she's gotten a new civilian name, one that is still connected to her themeing but is actually a real name this time.
The Sailor Moon Amino unfortunately went downhill, and instead some friends and I made our own amino focused on Sailor Moon OCs. During that time I also got back onto deviantART thanks to Aelloblu, and then joined the Crystal Animamates group. That inspired me to make my own fan senshi ARPG, the Interstellar Senshi Alliance, though life got in the way and I ended up dropping it. Eventually Amino itself went downhill and we migrated to Discord when I made the Fan Senshi Alliance server, and we've been going strong there ever since. I also made a Tumblr with the same name as the server where I queue daily reblogs and posts of fan senshi content. I've even revived the Interstellar Senshi Alliance on deviantART, and joined some new fan senshi groups that have popped up this year (2023).
I ended up writing a lot more here than I'd originally intended, but hopefully it's at least a little interesting or gives you some insight into this Aussie's passion. Thanks for reading and checking out the site!

Sailor Fabulous
A small self-portrait I made for Art Fight 2023.

My lovely ginger girl who made my dream of having a cat come true!

My sweet silly baby who completed my feline family.