My Art
Here you will eventually be able to find all the art I have created for Fortuna myself, excluding archival art which has its own page. For now I just have a few pieces here until I have time to upload the rest.

A screenshot edit collaboration featuring several otherwise unconnected senshi together in the iconic Sailor Moon Crystal shot. See link for full credits.

A screenshot edit of the Sailor Moon Super ad break.

This was a screenshot collab between JunohNebula and myself, she drew her Sailor Cressida, and I did Fortuna.

A headshot made for her profile in upcoming the Fan Senshi Alliance Zine, posted here first!

A mid-transformation squence shot drawn as a feature image for the upcoming Fan Senshi Alliance Zine. Posted here first!

An original drawing made in the style of the Sailor Moon Crystal ad breaks, featuring the logo by iMoonchi.

The first thing I drew when I got my Samsung Galaxy S8 Tab! It felt so good to draw, and I was able to try a bit more with the shading. I of course referenced the iconic Sailor Moon S ad break image for this, something that I had always wanted to do.

A lazy screenshot edit for the 2024 Tanabata event I ran, the background is made up of free assets from the IbisPaint drawing app I use.

Fortuna on a reverse-engineered base from old edits courtesy of Ktenshi. Special thanks to DustyOreo for finding the origin of this once-popular base, even though the site no longer exists. Credit to ShadowSunSpirit