Sailor Fortuna
Sailor Fortuna is the main character of this site and its story. She was first created in September 2017, during the spring holidays.
Fanart of her is very welcome, I have a nice reference for her down below, but don't feel like you have to get the exact shades of her colours - I've varied a lot over time just grabbing whichever shade of yellow and brown came easiest. You can share art with me on any of my socials or by submitting directly to the website.
Some elements of this page are still in progress!
Name: Kisetsuno Sachiko
Age: 19 (Stars)
Relationship Status: Taken
Orientation: Demisexual
Birthday: 24th June
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 170cm
Weight: 60kg
Ethnicity: Japanese
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Yellow
Hairstyle: Long, out.
Personality: Sachiko comes off as a calm and collected person, but she tends to lose her confidence in unfamilar social surroundings and can get quite anxious. She works hard to avoid drama and tries to keep her cool, but if pushed far enough she will start to lash out.
Likes: Classical music, novels, playing the piano, watching & playing rugby, the countryside.
Dislikes: Rude or smug people, too much responsibility/pressure, lasagna.

Role: Sachiko is a university student studying music in Tokyo, and has a part-time job teaching kids to play the piano.
Family: Sachiko was raised by her mother alongside her younger brother. Her father was an absent parent and died when she was young, and she honestly hasn't thought about him much since. She has a good relationship with her mother and brother and usually calls home once a week.
Friends: Emiko and Daigo are Fortuna's regular human high school friends, while Chiaki is an older childhood friend she reconnects with when she moves to Tokyo.
Abilities: Good Luck
As a civilian, Sachiko is luckier than the average person. She'll win "Heads or Tails" 8 times out of 10.
- She's left-handed.
- She used to have a small crush on Michiru; before she awoke as Fortuna, they met once at a high school music event. Michiru was so mature that Sachiko didn't realise she was actually younger than her.
- Her birthday is the date of dedication to Fortuna's temples.
- "Kisetsu" means "season" (Source), and "Sachi" means "happiness, good luck" (Source).
Sachiko grew up in the small (fictional) town of Yamachi.
Name: Sailor Fortuna
Celestial Body: 19 Fortuna
Domain: Chance
Transformation Phrase:
Introduction Phrase:
"Protected by the Asteroid Fortuna, I am Sailor Fortuna, Guardian of Luck and Chance!"

Weapon: The Wheel of Fortune
Transformation Item: Bracelet
In her past life, Sachiko was Lady Fortuna, the ruler of a small community on the asteroid she was named for, and the protector of the the Rota Fortunae, the great Wheel of Fortune.
Fortuna's Princess dress was designed by Kuroshi-Tenshi as a paid commission.

Reference Sheet